Knock on Wood: Saturday, Sept. 3 | 9pm

by Maggie Molloy

A couple planks of wood might not sound like the most riveting orchestration—but it turns out the musical possibilities are endless!

This Saturday on Second Inversion: Knock on Wood! We’ll hear from composers who have built entirely new sound worlds from some very humble lumber. From the warm wooden tones of the marimba to literal two-by-four planks of wood, we’ll hear from artists who have logged some serious hours exploring the timbre of—well, timber.

To listen, tune in to KING FM on Saturday, Sept. 3 at 9pm PT.

Knock on Wood: Saturday, July 31 | 9pm

by Maggie Molloy
Ian David Rosenbaum is one of the featured percussionists in this week’s episode. Photo by Matt Fried.

A couple planks of wood might not sound like the most riveting orchestration—but it turns out the musical possibilities are endless!

This Saturday on Second Inversion: Knock on Wood! We’ll hear from composers who have built entirely new sound worlds from some very humble lumber. From the warm wooden tones of the marimba to literal two-by-four planks of wood, we’ll hear from artists who have logged some serious hours exploring the timbre of—well, timber.

To listen, tune in to KING FM on Saturday, July 31 at 9pm PT.