Music of Mother Nature: Saturday, Sept. 18 | 9pm

by Maggie Molloy
Photo by Erin Anderson.

From ocean to desert, forest to tundra, composers have always found music in nature. The rhythm of waves, the rustling of leaves, the song of the mountain—or the colors of the wind.

On this Saturday’s episode of Second Inversion: Music of Mother Nature. From the pulse of the Amazon River to the lava fields of Iceland, a duet with the desert—and even some music made from living plants. Plus, field recordings from the Pacific Crest Trail!

To listen, tune in to KING FM on Saturday, Sept. 18 at 9pm PT.

Music of the Great Outdoors: Saturday, May 23 | 10pm

Photo by Erin Anderson.
by Maggie Molloy

From ocean to desert, forest to tundra, composers have always found music in nature. The rhythm of waves, the rustling of leaves, the song of the mountain—or the colors of the wind.

On this Saturday’s episode of Second Inversion, we’ll explore music of the great outdoors. We’ll hear the pulse of the Amazon River, a duet with the Moab Desert, field recordings from the Pacific Crest Trail, and even music made from living plants.

To listen, tune in to KING FM on Saturday, May 23 at 10pm PT.

A selection from Third Coast Percussion’s Paddle to the Sea is among the music featured in this week’s episode.